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Park View Academy of Sport Awarded £727,000 Which Provides FREE International Tours For Students

Park View Academy of Sport are delighted to announce that we have been awarded £727.223 from the Turing Scheme which will allow all our students across our academy to attend a 14 day international tour as part of their academy experience.

Having worked in partnership with Francesca Lorenzet of Design Your Time Ltd., a company specialised in sporting events organisation and project creation/management of the Turing Scheme programme. We have been able to access huge financial support that will allow all of our students a FREE international experience. All of our academies will have access to this amazing offer creating life enhancing opportunities for students.

This project will provide our Academy of Sport with a unique opportunity to set the standards athletes need to achieve in the future labour market and will give them the confidence and self belief to do so.

In the midst of a challenging employment context, this project focuses on the development of cognitive, mental and transversal skills of our athletes and of their performances, providing them with a Growth Mindset fundamental to succeed in sport, life and in a future career.

Through our old and new established partnerships we will have access to top practitioners from the world of sport. Our tours will include working within sports medicine, sports science and sport coaching.

Francesca said: “We have made a varied choice and an accurate selection of hosting partners because we have heterogeneous groups both in terms of different sports practised and of different skill levels. Each group will be directed to the host organisation which is deemed to enhance the skills of each team or individual according to specific needs.”

Therefore we have chosen:

- SWITZERLAND because it’s the European country most focused on the development of cognitive skills (considered as the basis in the development of the person and the athlete); Our HP will be professional and non-professional sport organisations that work on the cognitive skills of their athletes at a very high-level standard through some of the most innovative technologies not yet implemented in the UK and in particular: FC Lugano, FC Zurich, AC Bellinzona, Aurora Desio 1922. In Switzerland we will be accommodated at The National Youth Sports Centre Tenero (CST), arm of the Swiss Federal Office of Sport UFSPO, that house the national performance centres for Swiss Swimming, as well as the regional performance centres for the Swiss Football Association, Ticino Sailing and many others.

- HUNGARY for the implementation of the OTP-MOL-Bozsik Elite Programme focussed on cognition of game skills, game comprehension, technical skill that will help our best footballers to increase their assertiveness and ability; Our HP will be Illés Akademia and Globall Sport Hotel, headquarters of the Technical Department of the Hungarian National Team, because they are masters in the delivery of this programme that is considered “the most valuable youth education programme of Europe” by UEFA and FIFA.

- ITALY for their focus on the development of holistic athletes; Our HP will be Verona Rugby, focussed on cognitive training, expert in mental coaching and sport psychology, that develop Holistic athletes through their peculiar technique and Payanini Center, a state-of-the-art facility, the best in Italy. This provides students with a vital insight into the world of sport broadening the opportunities to make students think outside the box when considering their careers and next steps. The opportunity to be coached and undertake screening in some of the leading sports institutions in the world. This presents our students with unique opportunities to progress either professionally within their sport or to enhance their CV ahead of work or those wishing to go to HE. This will provide our students with that real life cutting edge experience helping them to stand out in a competitive jobs market.

Lewis Pendleton Director of Sport and Communities at Park View Academy of Sport said: “I am delighted that through our amazing network of connections we have been able to make this opportunity a reality. I must praise Darren Edmondson for his foresight and ability to put this together with Francesca. We firmly believe in creating life enhancing opportunities through the Turing Scheme. We are able to change young people’s lives by offering them world class international sports tours that further enhance their pathways into sport. "

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